
Century gothic bold font face
Century gothic bold font face

century gothic bold font face

The first made the word "Baroque" typological category X. Reinac does not seem to notice this style and an entire era in the development of European art, only casually and disparagingly recalling the “bustling Jesuit style” as having no virtues and being a “mental delusion”. For a long time it could not become the name of the style.

century gothic bold font face

In French dictionaries, the word "baroque" appears since 1718 and is interpreted as an abusive expression. Among French jewelers, the word baroquer means to soften the contour, to make the shape soft, picturesque. This word appeared in colloquial Italian as a synonym for everything coarse, phony, clumsy. Initially, the slang term “baroque” was used by Portuguese sailors to denote irregular, distorted shapes of rejected gems.īut in the middle of the XVI century. Finally, the styles of Neo-Baroque, Second Baroque, Ultra Baroque are known. Researchers talk and write about the qualities of Baroque as an inherent property of individual national cultures and historical types of art. In each historical period of the development of art, they see their own “baroque” - the peak of creative growth, concentration of emotions, tension of forms.

century gothic bold font face

The word “baroque” is also used as a metaphor in bold historical and cultural generalizations: “Baroque epoch”, “Baroque world”, “Baroque man”, “Baroque life” (Italian: La vita Barocca). The word “baroque” refers to a number of historical and regional artistic styles of European art of the XVII-XVIII centuries, the last, critical stages of development of other styles, the tendency of a restless, romantic attitude, thinking in expressive, unbalanced forms. Barroco - freaky, wrong, bad, spoiled) is one of the most difficult and meaningful terms of the history of art. Baroque (Italian barocco through the Spanish bar-ruecco from the Portuguese.

Century gothic bold font face