Drag the Rar file into Item to Process.If still, it is not working then try another way out. Now I think you must have already extracted the Rar files without using WinRAR. Click on OK and Confirm and close the Properties.In Permission, Windows Select the User.In order to get the access of the file and open RAR file follow the steps mentioned below:. Click on Owner Tab and Open Advanced Security Settings.īy following the above steps you will be able to get the ownership of the RAR files.In the SecurityTab, click on Advanced Button.Fix Access denied Error and Extract RAR files But you can fix it manually and can extract the RAR files. Sometimes it is possible that you are unable to open RAR file because of access denied error.
On the wizard screen click on OK you can view your files on the saved location.Click on browse and choose the location where you want to save the file.Tick the box Extract files to the default output folder.Select the folder which you want to unzip.Download, Install and Launch RAR Extractor Frog.The other options are as follows Try RAR Extractor Frog Why you should be always dependent on one tool when you can go for another option as well. But I should say that you must be prepared for the worst. This is a true fact that Winrar can easily unzip the compress files. Let’s see how to Open Rar File without Winrar Well, don’t panic there are various way out by which you can unzip a RAR file without WinRAR. How will you open RAR file without WinRAR? Yes, it is used for unpacking the zipped files. I am quite sure you must have heard about WinRar. But you are unaware of the fact that the receiver has to unzip the RAR file then only he can read the content. Then what do you do? You just compress the large file so that their size decreases. Many email client applications restrict you from sending large sized files to others.